Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Two to Three

1. Classroom: (2 classroom trainings)
  1. Performance Management(Goal setting)
  2. 1 of the following:
   1. Winfluence
   2. E1 booster program
   3. Conflict resolution
   4. Customer centricity
   5. Problem Solving
   6. Facing customer interview
   7. Assertive communication
   8. Presentation skills
2. E-learning: (3 e-learning modules)
  1. Time management
  2. Email Etiquette
  3. Meetings that matter
  4. IT security awareness (MUST)
3. Technical training:
  2 persondays in last 6 months OR
  4 persondays in last 1 year
4. KMAP level 5 or above

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