Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Shibumi Strategy

1. Koko(austerity)
#Refrain from adding what is not absolutely necessary in the first place.
2. Kanso(simplicity)
KISS(Keep it simple, stupid)
#Eliminate what doesn't matter to make more room for what does.
3. Shizen(naturalness)
To achieve a balance between being of nature, yet distinct from it - to be viewed as being without pretense, without artifice, not forced, yet intentional rather than accidental or haphazard.
#Before taking action, look for naturally occuring patterns and rhythms, and construct your ideas to fit them.
4. Yugen(subtlety)
#Leave something to the imagination by limiting information.
5. Fukinsei(Imperfection, asymmetry)
#Appreciate the beauty of natural imperfection. Leave the doors open for others to co-create with you.
6. Seijaku(stillness, quietude, solitude)
"Stand still when the hippos charge"
#Learn to quiet your mind; designate a time and place for creative solitude.
7. Datsuzoku(Break from routine)
#Re-energize your creativity by taking regular "timeouts" every 90 minutes.

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