Thursday, July 14, 2011

How to configure vi for source code browsing?

1. Install ctags
The ctags program which is written by the VIM team is called " Exuberant Ctags" and supports the most features in VIM.Use it.
2. Install cscope
3. Download and place "cscope_maps.vim" plugin in your directory "$HOME/.vim/plugin".
[If the directories are not there, create them using mkdir command]

Create Database for ctags & cscope
In your source code directory:
    1. ctags -RV
    2. cscope -Rvb

How to navigate?
Place cursor on any symbol(function name,variable...) & press the key combinations.
1. ctags:
    CTRL + ], SHIFT + 8, CTRL + T, CTRL + I, CTRL + O
2. cscope
    CTRL + \ + s

Advanced Vi Tutorial

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