Friday, October 21, 2011

Create Mask

/* Create a mask with m set bits followed by n unset bits */

#include <stdio.h>

unsigned int createmask(unsigned int m, unsigned int n)
    return (~(~0 << m) << n);

char *basecalc(unsigned int num, unsigned int base)
    static char buff[32];
    char *s = &buff[31];
    *s = '\0';
    int cnt = 0,i;
        *(--s) = "0123456789ABCDEF"[num%base];
        num /= base;
        if(cnt > 7) break;
    for(i=cnt; i<=7;i++)
        *(--s) = '0';
    return s;

int main()
    unsigned int m,n,r;
    printf("Enter the required set bits: ");
    printf("Enter the required unset bits: ");
    r = createmask(m,n);
    printf("The created mask: %s\n",basecalc(r,2));
    return 0;

Test 1:
Enter the required set bits  : 5
Enter the required unset bits: 3
The created mask             : 11111000

Test 2:
Enter the required set bits  : 2
Enter the required unset bits: 5
The created mask             : 01100000

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